10 DC Date Ideas When You Are Expecting

The last few months of pregnancy when you are expecting your first baby are an exciting time! I’ve curated a list of 10 DC Date Ideas When You Are Expecting!

Maybe you are feeling some stress getting everything prepared for your baby’s arrival, that’s totally normal! Or maybe you have the nursery done and all of baby’s clothes are washed and organized, so all you have left to do is wait anxiously for their arrival. Either way, these last child-free weeks or months is a time you will never get back and you and your partner should make it a point to get out on as many date nights as you can fit into your schedule!

We live in an exciting area with access to so many beautiful things to see and fun things to do! Even if you have lived here your whole life you will never get bored or run out of new things to see and do. I have lived in Northern VA for going on 12 years and in that time I have had the opportunity to spend lots of time exploring the city. I will say, now that I have 2 young children, unless I am going into the city for a photoshoot I don’t get there as much as I used to or would like to. That’s why I’m stressing to you, take advantage of this time!

10 DC Date Ideas When You Are Expecting

Here are 10 DC Date Ideas When You Are Expecting to help you get some date nights and day dates on your calendar before baby arrives!

  1. Treat yourself to a fancy dinner out at one of DC’s best restaurants like Tail Up Goat, Blue Duck Tavern or my personal favorite, Rose’s Luxury.
  2. Living in the DC area we sometimes forget the beauty that is at our fingertips. Take a sunset stroll around the National Mall and take in all the beauty of the national monuments.
  3. Ball out at a Nationals Baseball Game! Soak up some sun and relax with your favorite ballpark snacks.
  4. Take the ferry from National Harbor over to Old Town, Alexandria for lunch on the water.
  5. Take advantage of the amazing, free Smithsonian museums, pick your favorite, or maybe one you have never been to before!
  6. Get dressed in your best and go to a show at the Kennedy Center. It is a beautiful venue with lots of great entertainment throughout the year!
  7. Take a scenic walk or bike ride along the C&O Canal, followed by a picnic in one of DC’s beautiful parks like Meridian Hill or Rock Creek Park.
  8. Be kids for the day and enjoy a visit to the Smithsonian National Zoo, taking in the cute and exotic animals and enjoying some fresh air!
  9. Be a tourist in your own city and schedule a sightseeing tour around the city, explore hidden gems and learn something new about your home.
  10. Schedule a sunrise maternity session at one of DC’s iconic locations like the Lincoln Memorial, Constitution Gardens or the DC War Memorial. Afterwards you will be all dolled up, treat yourself to a leisurely breakfast date!

Are you interested in learning more about my photography experience and how we can design your dream session together? I’d love to walk you through how we can create beautiful images and timeless heirlooms to preserve this special time in your life! I offer a Bump-to-Baby Package (maternity and newborn) and a Baby’s First Year Membership (maternity, newborn and baby milestone). Click the “get in touch” button below to contact me and we will set up a consultation call!

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