My careful attention to detail from booking to the delivery of your gallery makes your portrait session a relaxed,
enjoyable experience. As a mom to a new baby, you have enough to worry about. My goal is to make sure
all of your questions are answered and all of the details are ironed out well before your baby arrives,
so you can look forward to your session with excited anticipation.
Once you reserve your session, we will schedule your virtual planning call. Together we will design your dream session!
We will decide things like when and where the session will take place and address any questions
or concerns you have. We will style your session using my studio wardrobe for
mom and baby and a style board for the rest of your family. All the work is done for you!
During your session I will use a series of gentle guided poses and relaxed direction.
This will allow for natural connection and interaction. We follow your baby's lead and make sure all their needs
are met and they are kept happy throughout the session. All immediate family members are encouraged to
participate in the session to capture your family's memories!
Sessions are reserved with a creative fee.
The creative fee covers the session time, the virtual planning appointment,
hair and makeup for mom on the day of the session and access to my studio wardrobe.
Digital files and artwork are purchased at your gallery reveal ordering appointment!
I also offer a Baby's First Year Membership package option.
Please get in touch for more detailed investment information.
You made us feel like celebrities!
The photos are absolutely gorgeous and I know we will treasure them for
many, many years to come!
Eliza D.
Maternity photography is a beautiful gift for you to share with your future child. It captures the time when you were awaiting their arrival with great anticipation. Pregnancy is a magical season where your body is doing something truly incredible and it should be preserved in the only way it can be, through photography.
I schedule maternity session for between 28-34 weeks, when your bump has popped, but you are still comfortable enough to enjoy the session. Maternity sessions are 1 hour in length and can take place in-studio or outdoors.
You will have access to my studio wardrobe and a list of preferred hair and makeup artists for a full-service, luxury experience.
Newborn sessions have my heart, my entire business centers around them, they are the big event! Maternity and milestone sessions are almost always booked together with a
newborn session.
You cannot put a number on capturing the budding bond between a family and their new baby, it is truly priceless.
My newborn sessions are all about the connection between you and your baby. The session is baby-led with gentle posing, which leads to photos with beautiful, natural connection. I also capture timeless, natural newborn portraits as well as your baby's tiny details.
Newborn sessions are 2 hours in length and ideally take place between 8-12 days old. The session can be done in-home or in-studio. .
You will have access to my studio wardrobe and a list of preferred hair and makeup artists for a full-service, luxury experience.
Just like the newborn stage, your baby's first year of life is fleeting and filled with so much change! Your baby will grow and develop faster in their first year than any other time in childhood.
You don't want to miss the opportunity to capture their milestones. You can never get this special time back, but you can preserve it to cherish forever through photography.
I offer 2 types of baby milestone sessions, Sitter Sessions (6-9 months when your baby can sit independently) and One Year Sessions (just before your baby's first birthday).
Milestone Sessions are 1 hour in length and take place in studio or outdoors.
A cake smash may be added on to any one year milestone session.
You will have access to my studio wardrobe and a list of preferred hair and makeup artists for a full-service, luxury experience.
1 Hour Session
Outdoor or In-Home
Virtual Planing Appointment
Access to Client Closet and Full Family Styling
Professional Hair and Makeup for Mom
Virtual Ordering and Artwork Design Appointment
Children's Heirloom Portraits
Heirloom Portraits for Children 9 months to 8 years
20 Minute Session
Heirloom Outfit Styling Assistance
Custom Artwork Design
DEAR laura,
baby boy is here 🥰 about to welcome this sweet family back to the studio for their newborn shoot today 💙
#dcmaternityphotographer #dmvmaternityphotographer #studiomaternity #dcstudiomaternity #novamaternityphotographer #northernvamaternityphotographer #themotherhoodanthology #thekinderedpath #theartistryofmotherhood #thebelovedjournal
counting down the days until we are on saucer magnolia watch 🤩
#dcmaternityphotographer #dmvmaternityphotographer #dcfamilyphotographer #dcbloomphotographer #novamaternityphotographer #mdmaternityphotographer
a longed for baby boy, already so loved and protected by many… people and dogs alike 🥰🌈
#dcnewbornphotographer #dmvnewbornphotographer #novanewbornphotographer #dcbabyphotographer #alexandrianewbornphotographer #mdnewbornphotographer #mdnewbornphotographer #connectedinmotherhood #ivfbaby #rainbowbaby
It’s hard to believe but the earliest spring blooms could be popping out in just about a months time 🌸 If you want to take advantage of arguably the most beautiful time of the year in the DMV, reach out now to get on my calendar!
#dcmaternityphotographer #dmvmaternityphotographer #dcfamilyphotographer #dcmotherhoodphotographer #dcfamilyphotographer #novamaternityphotographer #northernvamotherhoodphotographer
To the second time Mom 🤍
I see you now, a seasoned pro 💫 Your worries have shifted from detailed specifics like wake windows and counting wet diapers, to the wide wonders of how you will juggle it all and how your heart can hold so much love ❤️ You thought you were tired before, but now the memory of a full nights sleep is so distant it’s hard to recall 🥱 But your babies don’t see any of the overwhelm, they look at you like the superhero that you are 💪🏻 don’t ever forget that 💫
#dcnewbornphotographer #dmvnewbornphotographer #novanewbornphotographer #dcbabyphotographer #alexandrianewbornphotographer #mdnewbornphotographer
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