Claude Moore Park Baby Milestone Session | Sterling, VA

Little Benny turned 1 this past weekend, so I thought it was about time I got his 8-month Sitter Session up on the blog, haha! I met Benny and his Mom and Dad at Claude Moore Park in Sterling one beautiful November afternoon to capture how much this little man has grown! I first met them for Benny’s Newborn Session last March and it’s truly crazy to see how big he has gotten in just 8 short months.

He was a little skeptic at first, giving me lots of serious looks in the beginning, but he warmed up and cracked a ton of smiles and giggles throughout the session 🙂

I love capturing babies at this age. They are so happy to have the independence to be sitting up on their own, but also can’t run away or talk back, haha! So much of their little personalities is starting to shine and it’s yet another time in your baby’s life that you wish you could bottle up and save forever. Since we can’t do that, photos are the next best thing!

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